
11:28 PM Chad Fox 2 Comments

Video page for health fitness and whatever else!

I've been using the kettle bell for workouts and it has been very effective
This is a video showing the correct way to Russian kettle bell swing.
Shared by - Peach Cabron

Keep your eye on the ball. turkish get-ups ala steve cotter.

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Food and Diet Stuff

Mike Dolce gives a very succinct series on diet, courtesy of ONNIT - Playlist.

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Exorcise Videos

Steve Maxwell shows us a basic joint mobility routine. Enjoy!

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Steve Maxwell presents an easy way to better posture.

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Steve Maxwell discusses common fallacies of fitness industry.

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Steve Maxwell discusses overtraining.

Shared by - Peach Cabron

Steve Maxwell discusses diets

Shared by - Peach Cabron


  1. Here is a video about the correct way to do a correct Russian kettlebell swing. Enjoy!



Hello, my name is Chad Fox, and this is my fitness and weight loss blog.